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Medipin  The Single-Use Protected
Neurological Examination Pin 


For Rapid, Precise and Cost Effective Relative Quantification of Early Diabetic Neuropathy Designed to Optimize Perception of Cutaneous Pinprick Sensation Without Piercing Delicate Skin


For Earlier Diagnosis

Pack of 100

"Medipin is an affordable and safe pin-prick device to screen for diabetic neuropathy, and appears to detect loss of protective sensation sooner than with monofilament testing"     

Pack of 12

Medipin is an instrument of 2 elements combined to promote test accuracy:
A precision DEVICE designed to optimize pinprick perception for test sensitivity and a dedicated TECHNIQUE, developed to refine test specificity, for which the device was conceived.

Designed To Optimize Pinprick Perception Without Piercing Delicate Skin

Use Medipin For:

  • Superior pinprick acuity

  • Advanced infection control

  • Precision handling and efficiency

  • Disposability

  • Unrivalled convenience

Get straight to the point, always insist on Medipin…

What Others Say About Medipin

“I appreciate the thought that has gone into your testing device and was interested to see it. I have no objections to any of the design advantages that you mention in your statement, on perusing this list”.

Thomas H. Glick

M.D. Associate Professor of Neurology

Faceted Point in Annulus

Intuitive Design

Spherical Head for Visual Acuity

Medipin's Faceted Point Protected by an Annulus. Medipin is the developer and manufacturer of a disposable protected neurological pin designed to optimize pinprick snesation without piercing delicate skin.  A single-use precision instrument.

An annulus surrounds the faceted point to safely intensify perception of the sharp stimulus through a central nervous system enhancement phenomenon called lateral inhibition and serves to standardize point pressure and improve test consistency by limiting skin penetration and risk of puncture – especially on fragile skin.

Medipin Disposable Protected Neurological Pin - Designed To Optimize Pinprick Perception Without Piercing Delicate Skin

Combined with an intuitive design to facilitate ease of handling Medipin’s annulus also offers protection against self-inflicted ‘needle-stick’ cross-infection and the point is readily eliminated by simple compression against a hard surface where conventional disposal is not possible.

Medipin's Spherical Head. Medipin is the developer and manufacturer of a disposable protected neurological pin designed to optimize pinprick snesation without piercing delicate skin.  A single-use precision instrument.

The spherical head and bright red colour makes it a useful visual testing aid and plastic construction ensures unusually long shelf life. A dedicated tool at exceptional value supplied in boxes of 100 sterilized Medipins.



The disposable precision instrument of choice

Neurophysiologically enhanced pinprick stimulus for consistently superior response at reduced application pressures even in existing neuropathy.

Enhanced infection control by shielding and

inhibiting penetration of the point.

Foot Examination at Medipin

Designed to Optimize Pinprick Perception Without Piercing Delicate Skin Medipin is the professional Neurological Examination Pin designed to clinically enhance accuracy, safety and versatility – a single-use precision instrument 

Medipin safely heightens precision by surrounding it’s faceted point with an annulus to promote enhanced pinprick perception through lateral inhibition, test consistency and accuracy whilst limiting skin penetration and risk of puncture – especially on fragile skin.  

Combined with an intuitive design to facilitate ease of handling Medipin’s annulus also offers protection against self-inflicted 'needle-stick' cross-infection and the point is readily eliminated by simple compression against a hard surface where conventional disposal is not possible.  

The spherical head and bright red colour make it a useful visual testing aid and plastic construction ensures virtually perpetually unlimited shelf life.  

Get straight to the point, always insist on Medipin…

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